Results for 'Muhammad Ridwan Dayah'

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  1.  16
    Religious symbol on determining the beginning and end of Ramadan in Indonesia.Ridwan Ridwan & Muhammad Fuad Zain - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-9.
    The fasting and Eid al-Fitr celebration has a strong public dimension for their traditional characteristics in Islamic communal celebrations. This study used field research from interviews with the two largest mass organisations in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, and the statements of mass media. This research shows that contestation of religious symbols is not something that needs to be debated but it should broaden the understanding of the differences that must be respected in order to build brotherhood not, division. Contestation (...)
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    Akulturasi nilai-nilai persaudaraan Islam model dayah Aceh.A. R. Muhammad - 2010 - Jakarta: Kementerian Agama RI, Badan Litbang dan Diklat, Puslitbang Lektur Keagamaan.
    Study on acculturation of Islamic brotherhood values in Islamic religious training centers in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Indonesia.
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  3. Abu call Ahmad Ibn Muhammad miskawayh.Muhammad Miskawayh - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi, An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--274.
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    The dynamics of pesantren leadership from the dutch ethical policy to the reformation periods.Auliya Ridwan - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (2):365-400.
    In its early periods, pesantren as a type of Islamic educational institution focused merely on religious teachings. Socio-political pressures and the need to carry out Islamic outreach have pushed kiai as pesantren leaders to negotiate their idealism according to the circumstances in different historical periods. Historical accounts from the Dutch colonial period to Indonesian independence show that kiai leadership becomes the decisive factor as well as the legitimation for pesantren to take certain actions during precarious situations. To examine the institutional (...)
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    Muhammad Shahidullah Felicitation Volume.A. A. & Muhammad Enamul Haq - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):359.
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    Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective of a New Emerging Era.Khalid Jamil, Liu Dunnan, Rana Faizan Gul, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Syed Hussain Mustafa Gillani & Fazal Hussain Awan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this study is to explore social media marketing activities and their impact on consumer intentions. This study also analyzes the mediating roles of social identification and satisfaction. The participants in this study were experienced users of two social media platforms Facebook and Instagram in Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. We used an online community to invite Facebook and Instagram users to complete the questionnaire in the designated online questionnaire system. Data were (...)
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    Mentradisikan kritik tafsir: Upaya meretas Mata rantai absolutisme penafsiran.Adang Kuswaya Ridwan & K. M. - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (1):1-31.
    This paper aims to provide insight and new perspectives in cutting the chain of absolutism interpretation through tradition criticism interpretation that emphasizes the values of objectivity, comprehensiveness, scientific and systematic. Because in reality absolutism interpretation still becomes mainstream among the general public even an interpreter generation. Absolutism of interpretation becomes one of dangerous threat which can lead to stagnation of the science and the obstacle of civilization. Whereas interpretation is no more just a product of the times and continuous process (...)
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  8. Struggling with the philosopher: a refutation of Avicenna's metaphysics.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani, Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung - 2001 - New York: I.B. Tauris. Edited by Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung.
    Muhammad al-Shahrastani, the famous Muslim theologian of the 12th century and author of the Book of Religious and Philosophical Sects, was greatly influenced by Ismaili teachings. In this work al-Shahrastani refutes the metaphysics of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) from an Ismaili point of view.
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    Medieval Islamic Medicine. Ibn Riḍwān's Treatise "On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt"Medieval Islamic Medicine. Ibn Ridwan's Treatise "On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt".George Saliba, Michael W. Dols, Adil S. Gamal, Ibn Riḍwān & Ibn Ridwan - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):174.
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  10. Three Kinds of Social Kinds.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (1):96-112.
    Could some social kinds be natural kinds? In this paper, I argue that there are three kinds of social kinds: 1) social kinds whose existence does not depend on human beings having any beliefs or other propositional attitudes towards them ; 2) social kinds whose existence depends in part on specific attitudes that human beings have towards them, though attitudes need not be manifested towards their particular instances ; 3) social kinds whose existence and that of their instances depend in (...)
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  11.  29
    Does Health Consciousness Matter to Adopt New Technology? An Integrated Model of UTAUT2 With SEM-fsQCA Approach.Sohaib Mustafa, Wen Zhang, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Aliya Anwar & Gelas Rubakula - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Every emerging technology has its pros and cons; health-conscious users pay more importance to healthy and environment-friendly technologies. Based on the UTAUT2 model, we proposed a comprehensive novel model to study the factors influencing consumers’ decision-making to adopt the technology. Compared to prior studies that focused on linear models to investigate consumers’ technology adoption intentions and use behavior. This study used a Structural Equation Modeling-fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis approach to account for the complexity of customers’ decision-making processes in adopting (...)
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  12.  41
    Questioning Scientific Publications: Understanding how Indonesian Scholars Perceive the Obligation to Publish and its Ethical Practices.Yuliana Hanami, Idhamsyah Eka Putra, Muhammad Aldan Relintra & Syauqiyyah Syahlaa - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):625-647.
    Considerable demand for academic research and publications is not a new subject of discussion in the academic field. In Indonesia, there is increasing challenge and pressure to conduct scientific publications, making it a very competitive field for academics, particularly for lecturers and postgraduate students. The present study examines Indonesian scholars’ perceptions of academic publishing as a demand from institutions and the government, as well as their understanding of academic misconduct. We conducted a survey with open-ended questions to 55 scholars. The (...)
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    From Analytic Philosophy to an Ampler and More Flexible Pragmatism: Muhammad Asghari talks with Susan Haack.Muhammad Asghari & Susan Haack - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 14 (32):21-28.
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  14. Natural kinds as nodes in causal networks.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1379-1396.
    In this paper I offer a unified causal account of natural kinds. Using as a starting point the widely held view that natural kind terms or predicates are projectible, I argue that the ontological bases of their projectibility are the causal properties and relations associated with the natural kinds themselves. Natural kinds are not just concatenations of properties but ordered hierarchies of properties, whose instances are related to one another as causes and effects in recurrent causal processes. The resulting account (...)
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  15.  47
    Legal and ethical aspects of deploying artificial intelligence in climate-smart agriculture.Mahatab Uddin, Ataharul Chowdhury & Muhammad Ashad Kabir - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):221-234.
    This study aims to identify artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that are applied in climate-smart agricultural practices and address ethical concerns of deploying those technologies from legal perspectives. As climate-smart agricultural AI, the study considers those AI-based technologies that are used for precision agriculture, monitoring peat lands, deforestation tracking, and improved forest management. The study utilized a systematic literature review approach to identify and analyze AI technologies employed in climate-smart agriculture and associated ethical and legal concerns. The study findings indicate several (...)
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    Three Shadow Plays by Muḥammad Ibn DāniyālThree Shadow Plays by Muhammad Ibn Daniyal.Everett K. Rowson, Muḥammad Ibn Dāniyāl, Paul Kahle & Muhammad Ibn Daniyal - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):462.
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    The Lesser of Two Evils: Application of Maslahah-Mafsadah Criteria in Islamic Ethical-Legal Assessment of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in Malaysia.Ahmad Firdhaus Arham, Nur Asmadayana Hasim, Mohd Istajib Mokhtar, Nurhafiza Zainal, Noor Sharizad Rusly, Latifah Amin, Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen, Muhammad Adzran Che Mustapa & Zurina Mahadi - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):587-598.
    The release of over 6,000 genetically modified mosquitoes (GMM) into uninhabited Malaysian forests in 2010 was a frantic step on the part of the Malaysian government to combat the spread of dengue fever. The field trial was designed to control and reduce the dengue vector by producing offspring that die in the early developmental stage, thus decreasing the local Aedes aegypti population below the dengue transmission threshold. However, the GMM trials were discontinued in Malaysia despite being technologically feasible. The lack (...)
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  18.  12
    The need for a knife: basic questions and answers about life.Muhammad Muneer Dahab - 2013 - Saratoga, CA: Millennial Mind Publishing.
    The philosopher's stone : the epitome of my knowledge -- Preface -- Introduction -- Collectania -- The need for a tool -- A dream to organize chaos -- Substance abuse and a headache -- A habit from paradise -- A sealed story -- Stealing a seal -- Loosing a tool -- Believe it or not -- A blessing in curse-dressing -- Growing pains -- Lost paradises -- Diaries, my beloved diaries -- A taste like honey -- Physics of the heart (...)
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    Social Life and Morality in India.Muhammad Abdul Ghani - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (3):301.
  20. Muntakhab Siwan Al-Hikmah of Abu Sulaiman as-Sijistani.Muhammad ibn Tahir Sijistani & D. M. Dunlop - 1979
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  21. Natural Categories and Human Kinds: Classification in the Natural and Social Sciences.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The notion of 'natural kinds' has been central to contemporary discussions of metaphysics and philosophy of science. Although explicitly articulated by nineteenth-century philosophers like Mill, Whewell and Venn, it has a much older history dating back to Plato and Aristotle. In recent years, essentialism has been the dominant account of natural kinds among philosophers, but the essentialist view has encountered resistance, especially among naturalist metaphysicians and philosophers of science. Informed by detailed examination of classification in the natural and social sciences, (...)
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  22.  38
    The Role of Green Human Resource Practices in Fostering Green Corporate Social Responsibility.Rizwana Hameed, Asif Mahmood & Muhammad Shoaib - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study develops a conceptual framework and investigates green human resource practices —green recruitment and selection, green training and development, and green reward and compensation? effects on pro-environmental psychological climate and pro-environmental behavior, which cause green corporate social responsibility. We employ information technology capabilities as a moderator between the GHRM and pro-environmental behavior. It applies a convenience sampling technique and survey questionnaire to collect data from 388 employees at CPEC projects. Results demonstrate that GHRM positively influences pro-environmental psychological climate and (...)
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  23. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, the humanist: a reassessment of the poetry and personality of the poet-philosopher of the East.Muhammad Iqbal - 1997 - Lahore: Iqbal Academy. Edited by Syed Ghulam Abbas.
    Includes an introd. of 49 p. by S. G. Abbas.
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  24.  75
    Valency-Based Topological Properties of Linear Hexagonal Chain and Hammer-Like Benzenoid.Yi-Xia Li, Abdul Rauf, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin & Adnan Aslam - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    Topological indices are quantitative measurements that describe a molecule’s topology and are quantified from the molecule’s graphical representation. The significance of topological indices is linked to their use in QSPR/QSAR modelling as descriptors. Mathematical associations between a particular molecular or biological activity and one or several biochemical and/or molecular structural features are QSPRs and QSARs. In this paper, we give explicit expressions of two recently defined novel ev-degree- and ve-degree-based topological indices of two classes of benzenoid, namely, linear hexagonal chain (...)
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    Cardiac Disorder Classification by Electrocardiogram Sensing Using Deep Neural Network.Ali Haider Khan, Muzammil Hussain & Muhammad Kamran Malik - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Cardiac disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases can be prevented if an effective diagnostic is made at the initial stages. The ECG test is referred to as the diagnostic assistant tool for screening of cardiac disorder. The research purposes of a cardiac disorder detection system from 12-lead-based ECG Images. The healthcare institutes used various ECG equipment that present results in nonuniform formats of ECG images. The research study proposes a generalized methodology to process all formats of (...)
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  26. Knowledge, language, thought, and the civilization of Islam: essays in honor of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.MohdNor Wan Daud, Muhammad Zainiy Uthman & Muhammad Naguib Al-Attas (eds.) - 2010 - Skudai, Johor Darul Ta'zim, Malaysia: UTM Press.
  27. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people: exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other: being a translation of the Akhlak-i Jalaly... from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1839 - Karachi: Karimsons. Edited by W. F. Thompson.
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    Love, Passion and Class in the Fiction of Muḥammad Ḥusayn HaykalLove, Passion and Class in the Fiction of Muhammad Husayn Haykal.Charles D. Smith, Muḥammad Ḥusayn Haykal & Muhammad Husayn Haykal - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):249.
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  29. نسبی‌انگاری ارزش‌ها و گرایش‌های درباره خود.Peyman Jabbari, Mohsen Javadi & Muhammad Legenhausen - 2023 - فلسفه 20 (2):35-56.
    نسبی‌انگاری اخلاقی یکی از مکاتب کهن فرااخلاقی است که به وجود ویژگی‌های اخلاقی، و صدق و توجیه احکام اخلاقی می‌پردازد. با این حال، بخشی از بحث‌های مربوط به نسبی‌انگاری متوجّه معناشناسی جملات نسبی است. نظریات نسبی‌انگارانۀ سنّتی زمینه‌گرا هستند، به این معنا که احکام اخلاقی را دارای عنصری می‌دانند که به نحوی ارجاع به گوینده دارد. این دیدگاه نسبی‌انگاری را با چالش‌هایی مواجه می‌کند، از جمله این‌که اختلاف نظر که یکی از اسباب عمدۀ گرایش به نسبی‌انگاری است، به سوء تفاهم (...)
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  30. The relevance of values in management, an islamic perspective.Muhammad Anas Zarqa - 1998 - In Mustapha bin Hj Nik Hassan, Values-based management: the way forward for the next millennium. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia.
  31.  18
    Morality and justice in Islamic economics and finance.Muhammad Umer Chapra - 2014 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
    Mankind is faced with a number of serious problems that demand an effective solution. The prevalence of injustice and the frequency of financial crises are two of the most serious of these problems. Consisting of an in-depth introduction along with a selection of eight of Muhammad Umer Chapra's essays--four on Islamic economics and four on Islamic finance--this timely book raises the question of what can be done to not only minimize the frequency and severity of the financial crises, but (...)
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    An overview of foreign investment laws enforced in pakistan.Muhammad Khalid Hayat - 2016 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 55 (2):135-154.
    This research paper examines the foreign investment laws and procedure of Pakistan and their role in protection of foreign investment in Pakistan. These laws are untapped area of research and one cannot find any specific research tracing the legal development in this highly specialized field. So far Pakistan has 48 BITs enforced with different countries and has also signed ICSID Convention, which is promulgated locally through Arbitration Act, 2011 incorporating the Convention in the schedule to ease the difficulty of foreign (...)
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  33. Darśanera rūparekhā.Muhammad Akhtarul Huq - 1966
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  34.  43
    Ibn ‘Arabi and Spinoza on God and the World.Kamal Muhammad - 2017 - Open Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):409-421.
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    Talāsh-i Iqbāl.Muḥammad ʻAlī Ṣiddīqī - 2002 - Karācī: Pākistān Isṭaḍī Sainṭar, Jāmiʻah-i Karācī.
    Critical study of the works of Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 1877-1938.
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  36. Ulamaʼ.Muhammad Qasim Zaman - 2015 - In Gerhard Bowering, Islamic political thought: an introduction. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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    Cognitive Ontology: Taxonomic Practices in the Mind-Brain Sciences.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The search for the “furniture of the mind” has acquired added impetus with the rise of new technologies to study the brain and identify its main structures and processes. Philosophers and scientists are increasingly concerned to understand the ways in which psychological functions relate to brain structures. Meanwhile, the taxonomic practices of cognitive scientists are coming under increased scrutiny, as researchers ask which of them identify the real kinds of cognition and which are mere vestiges of folk psychology. Muhammad (...)
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  38. Interactive kinds.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (2):335-360.
    This paper examines the phenomenon of ‘interactive kinds’ first identified by Ian Hacking. An interactive kind is one that is created or significantly modified once a concept of it has been formulated and acted upon in certain ways. Interactive kinds may also ‘loop back’ to influence our concepts and classifications. According to Hacking, interactive kinds are found exclusively in the human domain. After providing a general account of interactive kinds and outlining their philosophical significance, I argue that they are not (...)
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    Reproductive Health Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Adolescent Girls in Urban and Rural Areas of Bangladesh.N. M. Sajjadul Hoque, Muhammad Zakaria & Farzana Karim - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):55-66.
    This study aims at assessing the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) concerning reproductive health (RH) among adolescent college-going girls in the urban and rural areas of Chittagong District, Bangladesh. A college-based cross-sectional study was conducted among college-going girls (N = 792) of four colleges attending Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) classes (eleven/twelve classes) in Chittagong District. Data were collected using a structured and self-administered questionnaire. Chi-square (χ2) and independent-samples t-test were conducted to make the comparison between urban and rural (...)
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  40. Impact of Perceived Influence, Virtual Interactivity on Consumer Purchase Intentions Through the Path of Brand Image and Brand Expected Value.Xinzhong Jia, Abdul Khaliq Alvi, Muhammad Aamir Nadeem, Nadeem Akhtar & Hafiz Muhammad Fakhar Zaman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:947916.
    Many researchers are currently showing interest in researching consumers who are purchasing the products with the help of new tools, and new kinds of markets are emerging rapidly. M-commerce is a prevalent mode of marketing and is famous among young people of Pakistan. Current research is planned to check the status of consumer purchase intentions (PIs) using perceived influence, virtual interactivity, brand image, and brand expected value among customers who purchase their products with the help of m-commerce. Data was collected (...)
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  41. Innate cognitive capacities.Muhammad ali KhAlidi - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (1):92-115.
    This paper attempts to articulate a dispositional account of innateness that applies to cognitive capacities. After criticizing an alternative account of innateness proposed by Cowie (1999) and Samuels (2002), the dispositional account of innateness is explicated and defended against a number of objections. The dispositional account states that an innate cognitive capacity (output) is one that has a tendency to be triggered as a result of impoverished environmental conditions (input). Hence, the challenge is to demonstrate how the input can be (...)
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  42. The Outcomes of Organizational Cronyism: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective.Shahab Ali, Farrukh Shahzad, Iftikhar Hussain, Pu Yongjian, Muhammad Mahroof Khan & Zafar Iqbal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current research examines the possible outcomes of cronyism like organizational deviance, organizational cynicism, and counterproductive work behavior and also investigates the mediating variable violation of psychological contract among cronyism and its possible outcomes. Many studies have investigated the presence of organizational cronyism at the workplace and its impacts on certain variables. However, the outcomes observed in this study, i.e., OD, OCy, and counter-productive work behavior were not empirically investigated previously as per researchers’ knowledge. The second gap this study fills (...)
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    Ṭūbā-yi maḥabbat: majālis-i ḥājj Muḥammad Ismāʻīl Dūlābī.Muḥammad ibn Ismāʻīl Dūlābī - 2001 - Tihrān: Maḥabbat.
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  44. Heidegger and the Transition to Postmodernity.Muhammad Kamal - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):43-56.
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    The Educational Philosophy of Elijah Muhammad: Education for a New World.Abul Pitre & Tynnetta Muhammad - 2007 - Upa.
    Features new to the second edition include a foreword by Tynnetta Muhammad, wife and student of Elijah Muhammad; opening comments by world renowned mathematician Dr. Abdulalim Sahabazz; a new chapter co-authored with Dr. Dorothy Blake Fardan; plus guided questions and power point notes to stimulate discourse around Elijah Muhammad's educational ideas.
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  46. Islamic Penal System & Philosophy.Muhammad Tahirulqadri - 1995 - Minhaj-Ul-Qur'an Publications.
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    Islam, religiöse Bildung und Politik in der modernen Welt.Muhammad Qasim Zaman - 2009 - In Fathi Triki, Jacques Poulain & Christoph Wulf, Erziehung Und Demokratie: Europäische, Muslimisch Und Arabische Länder Im Dialog. Akademie Verlag. pp. 119-132.
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    Nūr Muḥammad in the Perspective of the Tijaniyah Tarekat.Nur Hadi Ihsan & Muhammad Thoriqul Islam - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (1):23-42.
    Nūr Muḥammad is one of the teachings in Sufism that studies the beginning of the creation of the universe. The Sufis discussed Nūr Muḥammad through God's tajallī (manifestation), and they believed that only Insan Kamil (Perfect Humans) possessed the perfection of His tajallī. This Sufi theory can be comprehended through the dhawqi approach. This research will deal with Nūr Muḥammad's theory of Sufism through the perspective of Tijaniyah Tarekat. The data for this study was obtained through library research utilizing a (...)
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  49. Nature and nurture in cognition.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):251-272.
    This paper advocates a dispositional account of innate cognitive capacities, which has an illustrious history from Plato to Chomsky. The "triggering model" of innateness, first made explicit by Stich ([1975]), explicates the notion in terms of the relative informational content of the stimulus (input) and the competence (output). The advantage of this model of innateness is that it does not make a problematic reference to normal conditions and avoids relativizing innate traits to specific populations, as biological models of innateness are (...)
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    76 GunoḣI Kabira.Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Dhahabī - 2011 - Dushanbe: SAD.
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